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day 3: list 20

August 3, 2010

Osheaga went heavy on the independent music this year with headliners like The National and Arcade Fire throwing a hell of a 1-2 indie rock punch! And I, personally,  couldn’t have been happier with the lineup. It was, hands down, the best day of my summer.

This is my 3rd year attending Osheaga; generally my cousin is my festival buddy but she was busy delivering a beautiful baby boy this past weekend so she wasn’t really available for rocking out. I tried, in vain, to convince friends to join me but either they were away for the weekend, or couldn’t justify spending $75 for a ticket, or simply weren’t interested in the lineup. So I went alone. And people, it was BLISS. If you ever have the opportunity to go to a concert or a festival alone, DO IT. I promise it won’t kill you. Nobody will point and laugh. In fact, I think you might find it liberating. I was able to see the shows I wanted to see, I didn’t have to worry about anybody else’s enjoyment of the bands, I could close my eyes and feel the music rather than feel obligated to engage in conversation (my pet peeve at concerts) and I was on my own schedule. Bliss, I tell you. I’ve got festival fever, people! I’m still reveling.

Highlights of Osheaga 2010:

  1. Hearing The National perform England live.
  2. Walking around with the Pentax; people watching. Style certainly was not lacking at this festival.
  3. The weather: sunny. hot. glorious.
  4. This moment made me ridiculously happy.
  5. The wine bar.
  6. However strange a pairing and though a bit cheesy, it was interesting to see Keane and K’naan do Stop For a Minute together. I am a big fan of musicians collaborating (unless it is Barbara Streisand and Céline Dion out-singing one another. Ick! It gives me goosebumps (and not the good kind) just thinking about it).
  7. Owen Pallett. One man, his violin and a loop pedal.  Absolutely phenomenal.
  8. The Walkmen’s lead singer belting out In The New Year.
  9. Sitting under a tree, watching the sun set, listening to Beach House dream pop.
  10. And of course, la pièce de résistance, Montreal’s own Arcade Fire, their set highlighted by fireworks exploding in the sky. There’s nothing quite like hearing 25,000 people sing along to every chorus of Wake Up…. gravy on what had already been a perfect day! If you want to listen to one of my favorite tracks from their new album (released today), go here (the entire album is stellar. the track “rococo” has also been on heavy rotation).

Also, here is a music mix of some of the highlights for your listening pleasure (most bands I saw, a few I did not). Enjoy!

14 Comments leave one →
  1. August 4, 2010 3:02 am

    Sounds like it was amazing. Completely agree festival-ing and gig-ing alone is quality (of course, going with buddies is equally good too!)

  2. August 4, 2010 3:49 am

    That sounds like a really great festival. I love seeing Owen Pallett live – it’s always such an experience.

  3. August 4, 2010 8:57 am

    i love keane, would have loved to see them. and i’m in awe of you going alone… i don’t think i’d have the guts to do it. xo

  4. August 4, 2010 8:57 am

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun there at the festival. It’s always an experience when watching bands, singer’s sing live.

  5. August 4, 2010 10:45 am

    looks like a great festival! love the colours, festivals are feasts for the eyes. x.

  6. August 4, 2010 1:11 pm

    hello! i am so excited to have found your blog. lovely lovely photos! i can’t wait to see more…

  7. Ashley Erin permalink
    August 4, 2010 3:41 pm

    Wow! That sounds like a fabulous festival! I love all the photos here, they feel very genuine.

  8. August 4, 2010 4:32 pm

    I’m jealous! Some great music.

  9. August 4, 2010 10:09 pm

    Your photographs really make me want to attend an outdoor music festival. It looks very enjoyable.

  10. August 5, 2010 1:16 am

    Ah, concerts are much like snowboarding in that once you start going alone, you quickly discover that they’re the genre of activity that probably should not be shared. 😀 I’ve never been to osheaga though… Ticket prices.

  11. August 5, 2010 10:59 am

    i love you.

  12. August 5, 2010 5:12 pm

    Hello, I have found your blog today and I am really delighted of your photos!
    I will follow your pictures!

  13. August 5, 2010 9:16 pm

    During the summer of 2006 I was on sabbatical and lived walking distance to Ottawa’s Bluesfest. I was there night – sometimes with friends, other times on my own. I loved that experience. I’m glad you had so much fun!

  14. August 10, 2010 10:12 am

    you inspired me with this post! not that i’m afraid of going to concerts alone but the opportunity has not presented itself to me. but you make it sound so good 🙂 looking forward to doing something new now.

    p.s. loving your august break photos, esp that 2nd to the last pic 🙂

Penny for your thoughts?